Archive SteamNewsreel & DocumentariesPanamintRailwaysPortraits of Railwaymen in the 40s and 50s

SKU: PN1903


71 mins.

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A collection of vintage films about railway life. The DVD comprises: The Railwaymen (1946) – the lives of railwaymen and the job opportunities available. Shunter Black’s Night Off (1941) – an air raid on the SR. Portrait of an Engineer (1954) – a day in the life of a production engineer at the Vulcan Foundry. British Locomotives (1959) – Modernisation.

Full description from the producer:

A collection of vintage films about life in the British Railway industry in the 1940s and 1950s. The Railwaymen (1946). A fascinating insight into the lives of railwaymen and the wide variety of job opportunities available. Shunter Black’s Night Off (1941). Joe Black’s evening pipe is interrupted by a Luftwaffe raid on his marshalling yard on the Southern Railway. Portrait of an Engineer (1954). a day in the life of a production engineer at the Vulcan Foundry. British Locomotives (1959, colour). locomotive manufacturers face the challenge of the British Railways modernisation programme to convert to diesel and diesel electric locomotives.

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Weight 1 lbs


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